Terminal-Aware Grid Resource and Service Discovery and Access Based on Mobile Agents Technology

Aversa, R; Martino, B Di; Mazzocca, N; Venticinque, Salvatore
Mobile agents can provide a suitable framework for supporting resource and service discovery in grid platforms, and can support optimal access and interaction with the user through heterogeneous terminals, differing in terms of memory capacity, computational resources, display characteristics, allowed connection mode, etc. In this paper we deal with the utilization of Web services technology to discover and optimally access Mobile Grid resources and services, within a Mobile Agent based GriD Architecture (MAGDA) we have designed and have been implementing. Web services paradigm and SIP and UDDI technologies are utilized to implement a resource discovery service that allow users and mobile agents to look for and access distributed resources and applications, through heterogeneous terminals, by dinamically configuring the interaction session and service functionalities based on characteristic of the terminal and QoS of the interconnection.
Type of Publication:
In Proceedings
Mobile Device; Web Services; Mobile Agents
Book title:
Proceedings of Parallel Distributed and Network based Processing
Los Alamitos, CA
Hits: 407
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